ARE YOU OR ANYONE YOU KNOW STRUGGLING WITH HOPELESSNESS? dealing with a devastating loss mindset and goals Mar 09, 2022


 The Harvard University Hope Experiment:

During the 1950s, Dr. Curt Richter from Harvard University performed a series of experiments using water, buckets, and both domesticated and wild rats which resulted in a surprising...

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12 TIPS TO DECLUTTER YOUR FINANCES mindset and goals personal development Mar 02, 2022


How do you know you need to declutter your finances?

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  1. Do you know how many current credit cards you have right now?
  2. Do you know when your credit card payments are due this month and what day of the month the credit card charges close for...
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HOW TO EFFECTIVELY SET GOALS AND ACHIEVE THEM. mindset and goals personal development Feb 23, 2022


You have heard this before, but you must admit that it is true, without goals you will live your life drifting from one thing to another and your life can lack focus and direction. Once you set personal goals you are putting yourself in the driver’s seat of your journey. Once you set...

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TIPS FOR DECLUTTERING OUR MINDS mindset and goals personal development Jan 29, 2022


When we’re blocked by too much clutter, we get stuck. Ideas and visions remain wishful and theoretical. We can’t see a clear path to what we want. We may not even be able to clearly define what we want, let alone go after it. Decluttering—cleaning up our act physically,...

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Do you have a map to plan the rest of your life? Transform from what if to thatโ€™s it. mindset and goals personal development Jan 05, 2022

You can create a map for your future to reach your goals and finally live the life you always dreamed of.

To create the map, you must assess, evaluate where you stand and where you would like to be and be doing in a certain time frame. You need to set measurable goals with a timeline


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Making Healthy Attainable New Year's Resolutions that will stick past Valentine's day mindset and goals personal development Dec 31, 2021

I hope you had a Merry Christmas with friends and family.

I wish you a healthy, prosperous, and purposeful 2022.

Let’s talk about New Year’s resolutions.

If you are planning on making some for 2022, what would they be for you? Will they make it past Valentine’s Day?

My late...

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Are you Dealing with a Devastating Loss? dealing with a devastating loss mindset and goals Dec 28, 2021

If your loss is very recent you must be experiencing many emotions.

You may have heard of the stages of grief.

The five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

The full Seven Stages of Grief proceeds: shock and disbelief, denial, anger, bargaining, guilt,...

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3- simple strategies to reach a goal mindset and goals Dec 01, 2021

Reaching a goal could be a daunting task but if you make a plan and break it down into small steps, set your mind to achieve it you can easily reach it. Here are 3 easy strategies to reach your goal. 

  1. Describe your goal in specific and measurable detail
  2. Set a deadline to reach your goal
  3. ...
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How to Plan and Achieve Your Goals mindset and goals Oct 30, 2021

So now you have finally set a goal, you need the plan. To do this, look at where you are now and then look at all the things you would need to build the life you are picturing. For instance, you might find that you need a certain amount of money to make your dream of traveling happen. 


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Reward Accomplishments if you Break your Bad Habits mindset and goals personal development stop your addictions Oct 30, 2021

Life becomes more worth living when you know that for every good thing that you did, a reward is bound to come your way. By this time, you already know that stopping your toxic thoughts is possible only if you will really put your heart and mind to it. The last but definitely not the...

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